Our Referral Process
All referrals require the consent of the pregnant woman named in the referral.
We accept referrals at any stage in a woman’s pregnancy
Once a referral has been accepted, we form a support team of 4 volunteers who will meet with the woman regularly from week 34 of the pregnancy, provide 24-hour support during labour and delivery, and weekly support postnatally for up to 8 weeks.
Referral Criteria
Individuals who are referred to TBPP must satisfy the following criteria in order to qualify for support.
The person must:
Be an asylum seeker, refused asylum seeker or new refugee (status granted within the last 5 years)
Have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Be a victim of trafficking who has been referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
Be pregnant
Have no birth partner OR have a partner who will be required to look after her other children during labour and birth.